Tartan Plaid
Mirrored Walls
However, I think these images posted are pretty fab, don't you think? Look at the famous mirrored bathroom in Miles Redd apartment above, or this living room by Bunny Williams below.Remember I talked about mirroring my backsplash in the kitchen HERE? I keep returning to that idea. So -yah, or nah?
Beau Brummel: this charming man
An 1805 caricature of Brummell - compare him with James Purefoy in the movie belowWe all owe a debt to 'Beau' as he went against the times and promoted daily grooming: brushing your teeth, taking a daily bath and shaving. He also advocated pants for men and a more natural style (no wigs, powders and perfumes - those were left for the ladies!).
Jodie Pfarr writing in The Sydney Morning Herald describes the film as an engaging costume drama romp, which provides a fascinating account of the relationship between Brummell and the prince. He calls the show, Queer eye for the straight guy 18th-century style, and concludes that the moral of the story is all can be fine and dandy until you tell someone they're fat
Dior, the talent
Mies van der Rohe library
Is this for real?
Leah?? NO
Lee A?? NO
Lay a?? NO
Lei?? Guess Again.
Highclere Housetour
Undecided Voters
To put them in perspective (undecided voters), I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of sh*t with bits of broken glass in it? To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked."
"I wonder if, in the end, the undecideds aren’t the biggest pessimists of all. Here they could order the airline chicken, but, then again, hmm. “Isn’t that adding an extra step?” they ask themselves. “If it’s all going to be chewed up and swallowed, why not cut to the chase and go with the platter of sh*t?” Ah, though, that’s where the broken glass comes in."
I'm not taking official sides here on my blog (but I think you know who I'm voting for)- Yummy chicken........ Read the entire article HERE